Friday, June 17, 2011

Almost 1 ! 11 months...

So here we are, one month away from the big 1st bday, can you believe it? This time last year I was going to pre-natal yoga classes and the pool to swim, starting to purchase some clothes for Eli (in fact the shorts he's wearing above are one of the 1st things I ever bought for him) finishing up the nursery and looking forward to the last 3months of my pregnancy. Little did I know then that a month later my baby would arrive 2 months early!

Eli has been such a joy to watch and since I didn't write much at 10 months I'll catch you up over the past 2months. So, over the past two months Eli...

-moved to CA
-flew on an airplane for the first time
-met most of mommys extended family :)
-has been to the beach
-definitely has curly hair
-has been to San Francisco
-has finally got some teeth. he has two front bottom teeth and they're sure cute. not so cute coming in though. :( the top 2 are about to cut...
-is crawling, finally, but he only takes a few steps and then plops onto his tummy. he is getting the hang of it though! each day he gets better, it's so cool to watch! life as we know it is over, he is already getting into everything, cat-food, fans, whatever...
-shows interest in feeding himself, he has once fed himself some bread but that was a rare occasion. he does sometimes feed himself a bottle though and sort of likes a sippy cup, mostly to chew on right now. (I know, don't let your baby chew on the sippy cup! hahaha!)
-is now putting himself to sleep which is great!
-babbles, babbles, babbles and is starting to introduce some more vowel/consonant sounds but they are still unidentifiable, besides his ever present Fonz impersonation with 'heeeeey!' Our favorite!
-loves to eat (anything we give him,) read and take a bath, three of mommys favorite things...which shows that we truly are best friends. :)
-can make himself laugh, which is so awesome!

I've started planning his 1st bday party and it's so much fun! I can't wait to share that with you all next month. We also start music class and swim class this month,which I am really looking forward to, I hope Eli will enjoy them. We also plan to introduce a baby-sitter this month, which I am also looking forward to but then again not...yikes. I'm sure it will be harder for me then him, we'll far Eli doesn't have 'stranger anxiety' but he does on occasion get separation anxiety from mommy.

Now we're off on our 1st family road trip to Yosemite to see a beautiful friend get married and to do some hiking/sight-seeing.

Till next time...

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