Thursday, October 20, 2011

sick bunny

Eli has not been feeling so great the past few days and so we've been cooped up inside for the most part trying to make do. A few things that do make him feel better (besides being held by mom ALL the time, sheesh!) are...

playing outside for a bit, in the front yard.

Bubble Baths!

we'll take a few throughout the day, if necessary. and as my mom would say, 'you can totally see how he isn't feeling well, just look at his eyes.' :(

And when things get really bad, we will watch this episode from 'Classical Baby' a few times, it's Eli's favorite.

What do you do when your little one is under the weather? I'd really love to know, truly.


  1. This is so sweet Kasey, I just cried at my desk watching the video and can't wait to show it to Liah!!! xoxo Jenessa

  2. We make the couch into a bed and have a snuggly day. Thankfully Mady's been pretty healthy lately.

