Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Eli is 6 months old- can you believe it?

Our little baby dinosaur is 6 months old now, we cannot believe how fast time flies, wow! We have started calling him 'baby dinosaur' recently as he shoves his hands into his mouth all the time and makes this low grunting, growling sound...as if he was a baby dinosaur. :) He has lots of other nicknames as well, nicknames tend to run in our household. We mostly call him 'boots' and Scotts variation on that is 'bootskis.' He tends to make names sound Russian for some reason? When we were at the new Dr.'s office this week filling out forms...under the mothers info for occupation I asked Scott what I should put, as technically I'm still working but very little and spend almost every day with Eli, so Scott said to write down 'raising bootskis.' Hahaha. I put 'stay at home mom' instead.

Eli has grown so much and we are so in love with him. This month we are going to introduce solids (perhaps this weekend) and the sippy cup (he has already taken prune juice in a bottle so hopefully this will be an easy transfer, we'll see..)

Till next month.

i hate goodbyes

So today I'm a little sad as one of my best friends here in Denver is moving; Kerrin. Kerrin and Dave (her husband) and their two cute, spunky dogs Maya and Tito are on the road to the lone-star state to start a new chapter in Austin, TX.

Kerrin and I first met in the gallery. She came to work for us in Oct of 2007 and since that first day we have made each other laugh. I have so many great memories of us in true hysterics, from all of our silly 'what if' games to our crazy dance moves and fun (and also stressful) work travel adventures. But on top of all that silliness, Kerrin has a huge heart and I can go to her with anything. She is the type of friend you can tell anything to and there is no judgment. She is also the kind of friend who would drop anything to help you, like take your dog to work with her while you're in the hospital or just on vacation. So even though I am going to greatly miss having her down the street for our impromptu walks, cupcake sharing and movie going, I know that she and I will always be friends and continue building more memories.

Here is to Kerrin and her family, we wish them safe travels and all the best in Austin! Love you Kerrin! xoxo

Thursday, January 20, 2011

still here

Hello friends,

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm still here, just have been under the weather this week, (which stinks!) Eli seems OK so far (maybe a tiny cold) but has been Mr. Fussy McGillicutty since his 6 mo appt and vaccinations. :(  He received the flu vaccine for the first time which I think triggered the extra fussy temperament. Here's hoping we all feel better soon. It's lots of tea and honey around here. Hope you are well!

Friday, January 14, 2011

morning rituals

Good morning! Hope everyone had a restful sleep. Sometimes we do here at the Collins home and sometimes we don't. :) But that's OK because each day is a new day and I like to wake up and start my morning off with cuddling with Eli. He loves to wake up and stretch and talk and snuggle, it is definitely one of our favorite times of the day. Then we move on to feeding and for me a hot cup of tea (black with honey, local honey of course.) On extra sleepy days I prefer coffee. And...I often like something sweet with my tea or coffee too, if I have it. Today I was craving caramel sea-salt brownies.

                                                             Image from Martha Stewart

                                                                      Source unknown

What are your morning rituals? Have you ever had sea-salt brownies?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

dreaming of warmer weather....

Eli and I woke up this morning to a chilling 10 degrees here in Denver and so we warmed up by dreaming of the tropics...

                                       Got my flippers on, ready to swim in the deep blue ocean

                                                                          I love water

                                                           and dancing in the ocean

                                                Time to set sail, Captain Eli checks the skies...

                                                                    all clear, let's go!

                                                             everyone OK back there?

                                                          Arrrgh, don't mess with Captain Eli

                                                         Made it to the beach, time to relax

                                                                         and PARTY!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a vignette from Elis nursery

Growing up Scott had this picture (see below) of an airplane in his childhood bedroom, and a few years ago his mom framed it up and gave it to him as a gift, which was so very thoughtful. He had it in his office until recently I suggested we put the picture in Elis room. I love having items from our childhood(s) included in Elis, it celebrates tradition and heritage!

So here are a few images of what we did... enjoy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

cool dorm room

Check out this guys dorm room; so cool! I hope Eli lets me help him decorate his dorm room someday, but I have a feeling he will want me out of there as soon as possible (sad!)

You can see the full article here : New York Mag. Of course he is an art history major!  :)

you know you're a mom....

when you get excited about POOP!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

y'all know I love Georgia....

This is a great home featured in Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles, a sister publication to Colorado Homes and Lifestyles, the magazine I was once prop-styled for. Enjoy!

                                                          Photos by Erica George Dines

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello again and a belated Happy New Year!

Hi lovely readers and happy new year! I apologize for being away so long, it was hectic around here over the Holidays and then I just took a few days to relax and get organized and prepare for a new project (more on that later...)

Well 2010 was sure exciting! We welcomed Eli our son into the world and spent great times with friends, traveled alot (for work and play) and of course experienced lifes challenges as well.

I personally am looking forward to leaving behind 2010 and heading into 2011. I can't wait to see what the year will bring for little Eli...maybe some teeth? :) Some of the things that I would like to incorporate into my life this year are: to truly eat an apple every day, get my home office organized, edit down my wardrobe, learn some new recipes (vegetarian of course,) be very active about my blog to further pursue my decorating business, and continue to be the best mom I can be to mister Eli!!!

Scott and I both feel encouraged by the opportunities that lie ahead in our future and we are open and welcome to change this year, let's see what the year will bring....