Friday, June 24, 2011

you know you're a mom...

when you accidentally dress just like your baby,'s not intentional!

Hey, this series has been M.I.A. for awhile, mostly because I (honestly) haven't done too many dumb things, ha! Well...maybe I have and just am not aware of them. But anyway, the other day I got Eli dressed and then we had breakfast and played and then he napped, so while he napped I got myself dressed and when he woke up I realized I put the same type of thing on that I put on him. Hmmm... Then I remembered a few comments from folks about how 'cute' we were in our matching stripes or gray and black, and it got me thinking that maybe we dress our babies as extensions of ourselves so it's no wonder that Eli is usually wearing stripes, black or converse. ;) At least I don't have him in high-waisted skirts, hahahaha!

And then later today I did actually do a stupid thing... I went to the grocery store and forgot my wallet. Thankfully, I caught it before I went in so I was able to turn around grab my wallet and start over. Oh memory-when will you ever return????

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